14 October 2011

The Journey Begins

13 October 2011 

We have had quite the adventure so far on our way up to South Sudan. We have faced hardships and trials and had some really incredible times of ministry as well. Every step of the way the Lord’s hand has been in it all as He has given us opportunities to share the Gospel with people along the way. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel with a Muslim man who really was hungry for the Gospel the other day due to a delay that we had. It was really amazing to see that, this man was the whole reason we were right where we were at that moment in time. He had a Christian father and a Muslim mother and he believed that both religions were basically the same. We were able to challenge him gently and lovingly with some truth and he went away saying that he was going to have to read his Bible and stop taking for granted what his imam told him to be true about Christianity. It was so good to be able to speak the truth to someone who was so hungry for the Lord.
            The farther north we are getting the more and more I am feeling like I am in Africa. When we got into Tanzania I felt for the first time since being here that I am now really in Africa as everything is very rural and undeveloped. Now that we are in Uganda I feel even more so that I am in Africa. Kampala is absolutely the most chaotic yet intriguing place I have ever been. There are cars everywhere with pedestrians and bicycles mingled into the mix. There are about 30 shops in a space that in the States would only have 5 stores in a shopping center. And these shops are mostly about 20 square feet with things just packed on every square inch of the walls. But the country is absolutely stunning, beautiful, lush with vegetation, and the people are also much happier than the other countries we have been in.
            Now as we are preparing for the ministry that lies ahead of us, we would greatly appreciate your prayers. Pray that we would be used to bring glory to our Lord and Savior and that He alone would be glorified through us. Pray that He leads us every step of the way as we continue to work our way to South Sudan and as we prepare to do leadership training in the world’s newest country.   

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