25 April 2012

For the Beauty of the Earth

Dear Friends,

A little over a month ago, the schools and colleges were let out for “Spring Break.” It is a week-long interlude half way through our spring semester in order to recharge and reboot. Espiritu (the charter school where Hunter teaches) had their Spring Break at the same time that my school, Arizona Christian University, had its Spring Break, so we were free to spend that week together without any obligation to school or work. Hunter and I decided to take advantage of that opportunity by spending the first weekend of the break up in Flagstaff, AZ (a gorgeous hippy town in northern Arizona)!  The family that I nanny for here in Phoenix owns a home a couple miles outside of Flagstaff too, and they generously offered to let us stay there completely gratis J We were simply in awe of their kindness, and were very grateful for the offer (which we happily took)!

Hunter and I were able to enjoy three wonderful days up there, surrounded by lofty pine trees and hippies on every corner. Being removed from the big, bustling city of Phoenix caused us to step back and take note of how extraordinary and inexplicable God’s creation truly is.

Aside from exploring the cute little shops and supply stores, as well as my Mom’s alma mater (Northern Arizona University), Hunter and I took a day trip up to the Grand Canyon! (We thought it was about time as I had never had the chance to see it before.) I had no idea what was in store for me when we rolled into the parking lot on the south side of the Canyon. I had heard that the Grand Canyon was amazing, but I didn’t realize how absolutely breathtaking it would be… I literally stood in awe of the massive chasm before me. It wasn’t simply a hole in the ground in the middle of a desert. The book of Genesis wasn’t kidding when it recorded the flood which enveloped the earth in its entirety! The Grand Canyon was phenomenal, unparalleled proof that there was, indeed, a great flood that took place in Biblical times. I’ve always believed firmly that the flood took place… but never before had I had vivid proof before my eyes… It caused Hunter and I both to ponder the greatness of our Lord and Savior. He left a remnant of the flood as testimony of His wonder and His might. It also symbolizes His grace towards us as His people… He could have chosen to destroy the earth with the flood, but instead He chose to cause the waters to dissipate and He gave His people a second chance to start over and begin anew.

Hunter and I are so thankful for the glorious creation which God has so magnificently created. The wonders of nature are a testimony to His creativity. Sunrises, sunsets, the forests and all that consists within their timbered walls, the Canyon (which is, indeed, very grand), and everything that abides in our natural environment is living proof that there is a God who loves us and cares for us. May we never forget to take the time to stop and thank our Lord and Savior for His abundant love and mercy which He so generously bestows upon us. He never neglects to take care of us.

With much love and appreciation,
Hunter and Andrea

1 comment:

  1. The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you !
