29 May 2011

Mission Trip to Africa

Dear Friends and Family, 

God has given me a wonderful opportunity this summer to serve Him in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. I have already paid for the plane ticket with money that God graciously provided for me while working last summer. I leave on June 19th for Cape Town, South Africa to attend a required Great Commission Course led by Frontline Fellowship. This is essential for learning how to deal with real life ministry situations that I will face and to prepare me with cultural knowledge so that I will be better equipped to minister to the African people. Following the training course, I will be traveling with the Frontline Fellowship field Director and a team of other missionaries for a 3–week 4,500 mile mission trip to Zimbabwe and Zambia. 

This trip will provide an opportunity to minister and serve the people in those countries by taking Bibles, medical supplies, Christian books and literature, as well as food into these countries. There is a great deal of persecution in Zimbabwe in particular due to the tyranny of the communist government.
Frontline Fellowship is a missions organization that “seeks to glorify God through: evangelizing in war zones, assisting persecuted churches, and working for reformation and revival in Africa.” (For more information, you can check out this website http://www.frontline.org.za/aboutus.htm). 

The cost of the trip is going to be roughly $3,850 (including the plane ticket I've already paid for). The Great Commission Course is $480 to attend (very reasonable for 3 weeks of meals and accommodation!). I would like to pay at least $400 as my share towards gas money for the extensive field trip (it's going to be a long ride). Gas is $10 a gallon in Zambia! Visas for Zimbabwe and Zambia will be around $100. I will need about $100 for extra expenses (like food along the way!) and a few general expenses. I know He will continue to provide for the rest of my needs. Maybe you'd like to have a part in His answer to my prayers. 

God has been so gracious in allowing me to be a part of this trip this summer and I am so excited to see the incredible ways He has been at work in Africa. I want to be a part of furthering the good news of Jesus Christ to this lost and dying world that we live in. God has been so merciful in sending Jesus Christ to die for our sins in order to bring us life (1 Cor. 15:3-4; Rom. 3:21-26; Eph. 2:4-9). I look forward to reaching those who need so desperately to know our Savior Jesus Christ.

More than anything I would really appreciate your prayers, that God would be preparing my heart for the trip and that He will be working in and through me while I am in southern Africa this summer. To God be the Glory!

In Christ,
                    Hunter Combs

P.S. If you would like to partner with me as I go to South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia you can send a tax-deductible donation to:   
West Greenway Bible Church
5341 W. Greenway Road
Glendale, AZ 85306
You can make checks out to West Greenway Bible Church and be sure to put my name “Hunter Combs” in the memo line. Thank you all so much for your prayers and your support!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, well done on this blog.....I look forward to seing how God chooses to use this, and of course to seing how He will use you during these next couple of months.
